Every time we fall, Who picks us up?

Sometimes there are some points in your life when you actually shatter into pieces, your hurt wrenches, you feel heaviness in your chest, and you feel helpless. People can't give you that peace of mind because you are on that stage of life where help doesn't feel like help. 

But in the end, suddenly you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Knock Knock, Who is that? ALLAH.  As in Quran, Allah says, "He brings them out of the darkness into the light." [ Holy Qur'an 2:257 ] 

Allah is the Protecting Guardian of those who believesHe leads them out of the darkness into the light. He can bring back happiness, calmness, and light into your heart.

Every time we fall, who picks us up? Allah

Every time our hearts ache, who bring calmness into our heart? Allah. “Allah comes in between a person and his heart.” [Quran 8:24] 

When you lose your path, you get an opportunity to discover a world you have never known. Who gives us this opportunity? Allah

Every time you feel isolated, who becomes your best friend? Allah. 

Every time we ask for kindness, Who becomes kindest to us? Allah.

When you call Allah with "his name," He becomes that to you. For instance, when you call Him with his name "Ar-Rahmaan and Ar-Raheem (ArRahim)," He will become merciful towards you. He will give you an instant reply because He loves us this much. "Call on me, I will answer you. (40:60)"

Sometimes I feel speechless when I call Him, and He just gives me an instant reply. It strengthens my faith. 💓

But I really feel like sharing an exemplary story that strengthened my faith in Allah. Back in 2018, when I was a student, I was facing some financial issues. I didn't tell my parents or anyone because I wanted to deal with my problem independently. Anyways,  I had to host some friends at my home. When I checked my account, I had just 20 euros in my bank account. While doing grocery, I was talking to Allah silently; I said to Him in my heart, "I know I don't have enough money, but I know somehow you will send me "my rizq" or help because I just know it and secondly, You have sent guests at my home, it means you must love me so much." I smiled and went back home, had a wonderful dinner with my friends. The next day, I knew I was broke and had no money in my bank account. I opened my account, and there were around 1000 euros there; I rechecked and reloaded the page numerous times, but it was still 1000 euros in my account. I cried at that moment. I said, "Oh Allah, You really love me, and replied back," I am so emotional while writing this story because it is so close to my heart. 💕 It was December, and I got my pay earlier with a Christmas bonus. Always remember that Rizq is written; you cannot run after it. 💪

So tell me now? Do you entirely believe in Allah without a doubt?  😉


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