Talking Helps!

A girl is sitting near a window, staring at the sky and wondering about her dreams. Her name is Sarah.  Lost in her thoughts, she thinks, "I want to do something in my life; something that would change my life, that would be about fulfilling my dreams with commitment and hard work." Soon, she got interrupted by her little sister, who asked her what was she thinking. Sara said humorlessly, "I am thinking about the dreams which I plan to conquer." Then, her sister asked, "What are those dreams, sister?". She replied, "I want to do something with my life, you know like I want to travel the whole world on my own. I want to set my goals and be a career-oriented girl who will never have to be dependent on a man. I want to show our people that women can achieve anything in this world, she doesn't have to rely on her family necessarily, she can embark on her journey by taking the first step herself, she has the right to take decisions of her life, she is not a slave to anyone, she has can have a choice always, she has the right to raise her voice for herself and act upon her choices and decision, not only that of her father's, or her brother's, or of the whole damn world."
Meanwhile, her mother had passed by and overheard everything. Hence, she said angrily, "Are you crazy? Do you want to travel the world alone? Did I hear that, right? Do you even know what people are going to say about this all? A woman can't travel alone. I would rather not hear such words coming out of your mouth ever again. You're going to focus on your studies and afterwards, you are going to get married."
When her mother left, Sarah felt deeply hurt, and she continuously kept thinking about one thing; that she will never change the pattern of her dreams and she will look forward to achieving them, no matter what happens. She knew her mother was thinking conservatively, and that she could not be blamed much. However, she recalled a quote by Ali Bin Abi Talib (RA), "Do not raise your children the way (your) parents raised you. They were born for a different time."
Later on, she went to her mother's room.
"Can I come in?" She asked carefully.
"Yes." Her mother said in a curt voice.
"I wanted to talk about our earlier argument."
Her mother glanced at her with certain anger in her eyes. "Hmm. What is it?"
Sarah felt delighted at the chance to speak up, "Mother, I know that you have gone through a harsh life yourself, and I really appreciate how well you have brought us all up in an ideal manner, helpings through thick and thin, teaching us the difference between good and bad, enlightening our personalities in every single way a parent could… in short, you've been an amazing parent to me. I am sorry if what I said hurt your feelings. But mother, I am passionate about what I said, about what I want to do with my life." 
Her mother sighed and remained silent for a minute or two. Then she said, "Do you know how difficult it will be to do all that you dream? What if something happens to you?" 
"Our fate is set, they say. And I believe, if the harm is to come to you, it will come to you one way or the other. Besides, I will be careful." Sarah said all this in a rush.
"One thing that I know, Sarah, is that I always wanted to go after the same dreams as yours, but no one ever believed in me. Your grandfather told me that I could not go abroad and study further, as it would bear no good for a girl. It left me devastated and heartbroken. Regardless, I changed myself according to the ways of society. That was my biggest mistake. I wish I could go back to time and fight for my rights. But today, Sarah, I realized that at least I raised you perfectly, and how could I stop you from your dreams. I can't judge my child based on society and my past. I should and will support you. There is nothing in the world that can stop a girl from achieving her dreams.
Sarah felt elated and emotional at the same time. She promised, "Mother, I will never disobey you. I will never betray your trust." Her mother embraced her warmly.
After five months of waiting, Sarah got admission in one of the best universities in Europe. She went abroad and started the new journey of life. Few months in, she got a job and started travelling alone as well. She would recall now an again how her mother had dropped her off at the airport and said, "Sarah, you're not just going for yourself, but for every girl who wants to achieve similar dreams. Go and show the world that a woman can do anything and nothing can stop her once she believes in herself."
Today, Sarah is a well-known traveller and a career-oriented girl. She helps many girls who want to study abroad. She works for her country while being abroad as well. She did what she had dreamt of because her parents had believed in her daughter.

MORAL: Always support your children in their dreams, regardless of gender. Never judge them based on your past. Even one thorough talk can change your life. If you think your parents are upset with you, try talking to them in detail about you. A good conversation, talking upon the problems can solve any problem in the world.


  1. Love your blog theme Gul Jabeen Sahiba, and I follow your travel.
    I have written about you here in my travel blog

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