Life After Graduation

When I graduated from Comsats, I thought, life is like a fairytale. Oh yes, I finally graduated, now no studies and nothing! High expectations for a great job! YAY! But BOOOOM! Trust me everything was upside down. 

When you spend 4-years in the university, you take everything for granted. When you graduate from a school or college, it would be like leaving memories and making new friends in the next step of life, that is a university. But when you leave university, it will be a lot different than leaving a school or a college because this is a point where you enter in real combat towards your career.

After graduation, I got a job, but it wasn't satisfied with it. But what one can do? Right? At least it's better to do something than nothing or staying at home. But you know what? I realized one thing in that time, having a 3.5 CGPA or A+ grade is nothing if you have no experience. I have seen people doing jobs in great companies with 2.4 CGPA than people having 3.9 CGPA. Trust me, what matters is, your struggle, not your grades. 

On the one side, my adult life was officially beginning, on the other hand, I had to pursue my career, but I wasn't able to see that coming. Everything appeared blurred. I didn't know where I was going! Trust me I was hanging in between, all confused. But I knew one thing, that I don't want this. I wanted to go abroad, and that's the reason I started applying for Germany. When I was trying to get an admission, I knew that I would get it because I am putting my full effort into it, so I did.
But after coming to Germany, I made sure I won't just pass this degree. But my preference will a detailed experience rather than the only CGPA.

Now look at me, my main focus is not only masters but also an experience. I am trying to learn everything by experience, not by grades. It doesn't matter for me anymore if my master's degree will take more than two years because I know I am learning, getting experience. Because that's what matters the most in your career. ALWAYS REMEMBER THIS!

So if you are graduated or going to be graduated, don't elevate your hopes high, make a plan, look for yourself, don't compare yourself with others.  Everyone is getting what they deserve. Be happy for them. And find your interest because that's the only thing which can help you to move forward in your life. Otherwise, it will always suck. 

Tell me in comments if you ever had such an experience!


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